House Flipping in Weatherford

mistakes investors make House Flipping in Weatherford

Mistakes Investors Make House Flipping in Weatherford

mistakes investors make House Flipping in Weatherford

So you want to start investing in Weatherford, Texas, and you’re checking things out, right?  Good for you.  There are plenty of mistakes investors make when house flipping in Weatherford that you can learn from. It may look so easy!  At any given time, there are half-a-dozen shows on TV where good-looking, well-dressed investors make the process look fast, fun, and profitable.  But before that, make sure you read this blog post to discover the most expensive blunders that house flippers tend to make… here are four mistakes investors make when house flipping in Weatherford.

I found a video recently of the world’s most successful investor… Warren Buffet… talking about why buying single-family homes and renting them out is one of the smartest things you can do right now.

Check out the quick video of Warren Buffet on buying an investment property: (click here to play his video)

House Flipping in Weatherford or other cities can be highly lucrative… if you do it right.  However, it could cost you money, time, and frustration if you don’t do it right.  We’ve got you covered!  We’re sharing four mistakes investors make when house flipping in Weatherford so you can avoid these blunders and improve the return on your investment. 

Be sure to scroll down and watch the short video I created on how we can help you sell your house fast in Weatherford and nearby cities.

House Flipping In Weatherford

Flipping Mistake #1

If there’s one thing that every flipper learns pretty quickly, it’s that you can never prepare for everything 100%.  Certainly, not all investors want to or are suited for full-time investing or even running a real estate investment business.  There is nothing wrong with that.  Brand-new flippers often forget to “expect the unexpected.”  For example, you can look at a property, assume it looks great, and then discover that there are termites.  Or you might tear up a carpet and find mold.  While troublesome, these problems aren’t the end of the world but for investors who aren’t prepared for them, they can be a costly shock.  So, avoid this mistake by anticipating additional problems and providing additional funds and time to your project plan and timeline. 

Flipping Mistake #2

Another mistake flippers make is to hire the cheapest labor possible.  Rather than hire qualified professionals, flippers try to pad their profits by hiring any warm body.  The problem is: that cheap labor can be more expensive because they take longer, and their work is not always up to the right standards (so it may need to be redone).  Avoid this problem by hiring experienced tradespeople.  You may spend more up-front, but the work will be done right — quickly and the first time. 

If you’d like to flip some properties and perhaps want to partner with other experienced investors, call TMC Property Solutions.

Flipping Mistake #3

This is the problem flippers are simply unaware that it happens, but it does happen!  It’s easy to become emotionally involved in the flip to the point where you forget that you are investing in a property for someone… and often what happens is the flipper starts making renovation and decoration choices that THEY prefer (versus decisions that are cost-effective and will help to sell the properly quickly).  Set a firm renovation and decoration budget and continually remind yourself that your goal is to create a house that can be sold at maximum profit. Don’t over-rehab the house.

Flipping Mistake #4

Most new real estate investors may have little experience in starting and running a real business.  So where can they find help with investing more intelligently and building a real estate business that can produce better returns and more wealth over the long term?

Real estate investing is often a team endeavor, especially as you start.  Having partners is a step beyond just wholesaling and networking.  Newbie flippers acquire a house and do all the heavy lifting to fix up the property. Then, they make the mistake of assuming that the property sale will be easy and eat up their profits in holding costs.  It might be easy in some markets, but that’s not the case in other markets!  Avoid underestimating the effort required to sell your house. Instead, prepare to invest some additional effort in finding buyers or maybe even consider hiring a listing agent on your team. They can market and promote your house to many buyers on MLS.

Joining a local investment group is one of the best ways to build this network and discover more ways to do House Flipping in Weatherford successfully.  Attend meetings and establish relationships with those in the immediate and surrounding areas.  One of the key benefits of a group is being able to meet investor buyers in your area.  The West DFW REI Group is one of the fastest-growing and most well-known real estate investment associations in the DFW area.  Check them out and enjoy some great networking, education, and access to discounted property listings.  When you’re ready to get started with House Flipping in Weatherford or other surrounding cities, and you want to be notified of the properties we have as we get them that might be perfect flips for you, click here now to enter your info and join our Buyers List or give us a call at (817) 599-8058

If we can’t help you, we probably know someone that can, so give us a call today.


Flipping houses can be fun and profitable… or frustrating and problematic.  You can make sure it’s fun and profitable by avoiding these four mistakes investors make when house flipping in Weatherford. 

If you want to start House Flipping in Weatherford, we can help you out.  We Buy Properties in Weatherford, TX, and surrounding cities. We’d be happy to see if a property might work for your flipping needs.  Just click here to reach out to us, or pick up the phone and call (817) 599-8058.

TMC Property Solutions is an accredited business, and A+ rated member of the Fort Worth BBB. We have been buying houses fast in Dallas, Fort Worth, for 20+ years.

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Are you located in North Texas?  Come network, learn & do more deals by joining our West DFW REI Group.

Feel free to connect with us if we can help you.

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